The Heritage Baptist Church C.R.E.W.

About The Musicians

Photo Gallery

Other Stuff

Favorite Links

Who Or What Is The C.R.E.W.?
Welcome friends and visitors. You are ground central for the Heritage Baptist Church C.R.E.W. on the world wide web. Centered 'Round Everyday Worship is our bands name spelled out in full. We're a group of four Christian musicians who belong to the Heritage Baptist Church youth group with a very real dedication and contribution to Christ. We play not for money but for Him, doing it to honor Him and entertain those who listen. We want to keep everyone informed on this band regularly and so we started a webpage. Look for a list of all the updated things to our site below.
Site Updates
6/16-The site is born!

6/28-Added are the sounds you're hearing. Lord, I Lift Your Name On High is just one of the many songs the C.R.E.W. plays. If you aren't hearing the tunes just click on the button at the bottom of the page. Note that this is not the C.R.E.W. playing it's just some midi I found.

7/3-I've added a mailing list to keep those interested informed, a java chat room is up but not open yet and while I'm still improving the options you're invited to make your own greeting card in the photo gallery.

7/5-In order to preserve space I've only included the most important site updates.

Navigating This Site

Soon we'll have photos of the band members and a larger bio about each one. Photos are being compiled as we speak for a photo gallery of the band and midi will be in place so you can hear the C.R.E.W. recorded live at home. This is a growing site and we'll admit there is a lot of growing to be done so frequently check in.

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We are temporarily beached right now what with the lack of musicians. Our lead player, Jacob Finley is off to college and both Jacob and Paul Thornton, our rythm guitarist are too old to be in a youth group band. Please contact me via my e-mail below if you'd be interested in playing with us. Thanks.
Note: We're all Christians in the highschool youth group but we'd be willing to make lots of exceptions. We're looking for any and all instrumentalists to respond and remember that as long as this message remains there will be openings.

If you have any information or would like to book us at an appropriate gig, please e-mail me. We are a very good band and believe you would agree so let me know what you have in mind.

Webmaster: Chris Cargill

There's no hangtime until school starts for the youth group.

The youth group has been doing a lot this summer what with a missions trip to China and camp at Lake Texoma. They raised cash in a bike-a-thon and very recently raised a ridiculous amount of money in a car wash. Don't you forget how much work they put into helping out with vacation bible school either. We should all be thinking of such hard working Christians.

If you're interested, crowd programs begin at 9:30 a.m. every Sunday. This is also the time the C.R.E.W. normally performs.

I regret to inform you that the C.R.E.W. won't be playing at the church for a long time but will have a more comfortable spot to praise the Lord through Christian rock music when the proposed youth center opens in the next few years. It is possible we may play coffee shops and other venues until then.

Heritage Baptist Church
The Heritage Baptist Church is located in Georgetown, Texas at 1601 FM971. The Pastor is Reverend Donald Ledbetter, youth pastor is Brother Dave White. You can contact the church by phone at (512) 863-8106.
The church's website

HIDDEN="Lord, I Lift Your Name On High" AUTOSTART="Lord, I Lift Your Name On High"
<br><BGSOUND SRC= ""><br>